Readers’ journeys through Ulysses
Available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Pocket Casts.
Episode 15: Circe
In this hallucinatory episode, in which everything that has happened up to this point in Ulysses is reimagined, Bloom and Stephen wander in “Nighttown,” Joyce’s version of the red-light district of Dublin. We talk about confusion, hilarity, gender roles, obscenity, and redemption. Joining us are Kelly Bryan from the Blooms & Barnacles podcast, John McCourt, professor at University of Macerata, Italy, and Ronan Crowley, postdoctoral researcher at Aarhus University, Denmark.

Episode 15: Circe

Episode 14: Oxen of the Sun

Episode 13: Nausicaa

Episode 12: Cyclops

Episode 11: Sirens

Episode 10: Wandering Rocks

Episode 9: Scylla and Charybdis

Episode 8: Lestrygonians

Episode 7: Aeolus

Episode 6: Hades

Episode 5: Lotus Eaters

Episode 4: Calypso

Episode 3: Proteus

Episode 2: Nestor

Episode 1: Telemachus
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